Carrie Reddish, DMD, P.C.
FAQ Regarding Delta Dental Premier Network

FAQ Regarding Delta Dental Premier Network

Questions you may have:

Does your office still take/accept Delta Dental?

YES, we will still take/accept Delta Dental.

Can I still come to your office if I have Delta Dental Premier as my benefit plan?

YES, you can still come to our office utilizing your out of network benefits.

Will your office continue to file all claims and paperwork needed for Delta Dental to make payments?

YES, our office will continue to submit all claims and paperwork needed on your behalf.

Will Delta Dental still reimburse for claims for services in your office?

YES, Delta will continue to reimburse on claims for services in our office.  The amount of reimbursement will be determined by the plan benefits your employer has negotiated with Delta Dental. Payment will be reimbursed to the plan policy holder.

What other changes may I expect?

It is Delta Dental’s policy that the patients pay their dentist at time of service.  We will submit the claim on your behalf the same day as your visit. Delta Dental will then send reimbursement checks to the policy holder directly.  The check is then to be cashed and held by the patient.

Will I have out of pocket expenses?

Delta Dental will most likely have two options and it depends which option your group plan is based on. Please don’t mistake 100% preventative as just that as it comes with a caveat. 

  1. Some Delta Dental plans are based on Usual (or Reasonable) and Customary meaning payment to the policy holder from Delta Dental is based on the geographical areas fee, which our fees typically fall within.
  2. Fee Schedule: Delta Dental will pay the policy holder 100% of the fee schedule, not 100% of the fee.

If you have any questions or concerns about this change, please do not hesitate to contact our office!

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